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These are our top ten tips for moving house.

1. Plan ahead!

Start packing as soon as possible! There are always items you can pack first – things that don’t get used every day, week or month.

2. Start collecting boxes. From everywhere!

Ask family and friends for boxes and newspapers. You won’t be sorry! Different sized boxes will come in handy. If you know someone who has recently moved (or will be moving while you are still packing), ask them if you can have the boxes they don’t need. Consider passing your boxes onto someone else who is moving – this way, you won’t have to ration the boxes in your recycling bin each fortnight!

3. Watch your weight!

Well, not yours, but definitely keep an eye on the weight of your boxes! It’s easy to pack a large box full of books, forgetting that you, or someone else will need to move that box at some point in the future!

4. Get rid of the junk!

Moving is a great time to get rid of some of your surplus items (let’s not call it junk) that’s been accumulating over the past few years. Your local council can assist with hard rubbish removal. Check their website or call for details.

5. Can you sell it?

You may have stuff that you aren’t using anymore, or won’t suit (or fit into) your new home. Consider selling it (online or at a car boot / garage sale) acquire a little extra cash to buy a few new things for your home!

6. Know where it’s all going!

Clearly marking your boxes will be a big help on moving day! You don’t have to be specific, but marking the boxes by room will ensure each box gets to the room it needs to be in to avoid you having to move it again later. This will not only assist your helpers on moving day, it will save everyone time you will not be disturbed by questions such as ‘where do you want me to put this box?

7. Get help!

No man (or woman) is an island! Rope your friends and family into helping you on moving day (the promise of lunch usually seals the deal). Ask specific people to do certain tasks –to ensure everything runs smoothly given there is so much to do!

8. Have a ‘Moving Day’ box!

Include essentials for the day – a small toolkit (don’t forget the allen keys), kettle, nibbles, disposables for eating and drinking, etc.

9. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Unless you’re an experienced mover, you may think you can move out, clean up and move in all in one day, with visions of your new home set up perfectly. Chances are that won’t happen (sorry to burst your bubble). Aim to get the basics done first – beds (you’ll be glad you did), kitchen and making sure the kids and pets are settled. More often than not, the rest can take days, weeks or sometimes even months to sort out. Once the basics are set up and you’re in your new home, you can relax, take your time to get the other things where you want them!

10. Let the important people know!

We usually remember to let important people in our personal lives know that we’ve moved, but don’t forget about important organisations too, like your bank, the ATO, utilities providers, the Electoral Commission, local councils, doctors, employers, gym, phone providers and schools. Consider setting up a mail redirection service with Australia Post – there are always people you forget to notify of your new address and this will serve as a reminder.


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